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Full motion simulator

Take your racing experience to the next level! 3D visuals from virtual reality will fully immerse you in the cockpit of a real high performance race car. Couple this with up to 1.8G of force from a full motion racing platform and you have the perfect combination to make you believe you’re really racing. The full motion simulator is compact and highly portable making it possible to move quickly and efficiently to a wide variety of locations that may be unreachable by other motion simulator systems. If you want to really blow your guest’s minds then this is the closest you’ll get to actually driving a race car without actually doing it! This setup comes complete with motion cockpit and triple monitor setup, take it a step further and we can even hook up Virtual Reality!


why choose motion simulators?

Motion platforms for driving simulators help push the experience of driving in a virtual environment even further, making the experience more realistic, better suited for training, and higher fidelity as an analogue to driving a real vehicle. A compact, genuine full motion simulator that can be placed in even in the smallest spaces. The system fits in every elevator and passes through every doorway.