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© 2023 Racing Simulators, All Rights Reserved

why choose us?

Our pricing is tailored to give you the most value for money, we have discounts on multiple simulator hire and we are proven to be 20% cheaper than our competitors!

Branding is another huge factor in choosing us, all our Simulators have unique branding options to fit your brand.

Quality service is something we strive towards and this is something we can guarantee, We have an in house promotions team to assist you at any event!


We offer extensive corporate branding services to create the complete brand experience. With over 10 years of racing simulator experience in South Africa, prepare to be amazed by our state of the art simulators, friendly team and wealth of knowledge.


We provide you with a tailored, professional race experience that will entertain your clients and guests for hours. The simulators are suitable for exhibitions, trade shows, product launches and much more. We guarantee our eye catching simulators will increase footfall on your stand!

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User Reviews

“Thank you for being part of our extremely successful event on Saturday. Many men's lives were touched and changed, and you have added such a great touch to the day. It was a pleasure working with you and your team. Our prayer is that your business will continue to go from strength to strength and that we will have the privilege again in the future to do business with you. Lots of love, Elaine (and the whole CFC team)..”

level 80 mage

User Reviews

“Hi Team! Just wanted to say thank you for the amazing service, even on such short notice your team were able to pull off a super successful event, our guests absolutely loved every minute on your racing simulators.”

Susan Hansen
level 80 scout

Contact us

If you'd like to know more, or get started with a booking, send us an email or for an even faster response, send us a text on whatsapp and one of our pit stop crew will respond as soon as we can

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